In Store Classes - 4/12 10:30 -12:00 - Her Story Scrapbooking Group w/Fran - Session 2 - Free To Attend

In Store Classes

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In Store Classes - 4/12 10:30-12:00- Her Story Scrapbooking Group w/Fran - Session 2 - Free To Attend

Saturday, April 12th at 10:30-12:00

You may have made scrapbooks for your kids, but this book will be about you. I, Fran, have been working on my autobiogrphy in scrapbook form for a long time. I can help you start from scratch to tell your story. You will leave each class with lots to scrap about, and our sharing will be fun and inspirational. Please join us, you will produce your favorite scrapbook EVER!

The group will meet twice a month. You can choose to attend one or both sessions. The first Friday of the month at 6:30 and the seond Saturday of the month at 10:30. This is a work at your own pace group so there is no stress to keeping up!

Come by the store or call to reserve your spot at: 877-525-0888


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